This week has been drama week for the Pouliots. It started with Grace's first grade Holidays Around the World program on Tuesday and culminated with Eli and Noah's preschool programs today. So first...Grace.
As you know, Grace is a big fan of a spotlight. Girlfriend is not shy. So she was just THRILLED to learn that she would be singing a duet in the first grade program at school. Grace and another little girl named Ella were to dress as reindeer and sing the beginning of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer all by themselves before the other kids joined them on the chorus. She practiced Rudolph and all of the other songs from the program over and over at home, in the car, in the shower, everywhere. Finally, it was the day...Tuesday, December 16th. Grace had been counting down. The first graders got to do the program twice, once for the school and once for the families in the evening. Luckily, I got to go to both. I say luckily because when you put 100 first graders and all of the people that love them in a gym in folding chairs and your precious child is short (read on the first row of the risers) it is IMPOSSIBLE to see her. But during the school performance I had a great view (easier to see over small people sitting on the floor)! Grace and Ella came out on the stage first. They stood before two little microphones and the taped music began. The girls came in singing and they were not shy...they were nice and loud! After their duet, all of the other kids came in and lined up on the risers and the girls just kept singing their little hearts out and shaking their jingle bells. I'm not sure that I could have done that at 6 years old in front of the whole school and then hundreds of grown-ups but those two did it! Whoo hoo, Gracie! The whole program was just awesome. The teachers figured out a way to give each of the 100 kids a part that they were super excited about. I don't know how they did it but it was awesome!
Then, today, Noah and Eli had their holiday programs. Unfortunately for us, they were both at the same time. Steve was out of town (poor guy!) so the grandparents all stepped in and we had at least one grown up in each classroom to celebrate Joshy (Matt and Brooke's second), Noah and Eli.
Noah has been pretty excited about today because today he got to be the gingerbread man just like Grace was when she was his age. They did the whole gingerbread man story and Noah got to say all of the lines. The best part, though, was watching that little gingerbread man run in place. He was RUNNING! When it was time for his lines, he was winded from all of that fast gingerbread man running! I'll try to post a video of both Grace and Noah's performances if I can figure out the technology. Then I got to watch sweet Eli sing "You Are my Sunshine" and "Jingle Bells". He was really into it, did all of the motions and sang his heart out. He's also been practicing all week..."Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, All the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"
Such a fun week!
As you know, Grace is a big fan of a spotlight. Girlfriend is not shy. So she was just THRILLED to learn that she would be singing a duet in the first grade program at school. Grace and another little girl named Ella were to dress as reindeer and sing the beginning of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer all by themselves before the other kids joined them on the chorus. She practiced Rudolph and all of the other songs from the program over and over at home, in the car, in the shower, everywhere. Finally, it was the day...Tuesday, December 16th. Grace had been counting down. The first graders got to do the program twice, once for the school and once for the families in the evening. Luckily, I got to go to both. I say luckily because when you put 100 first graders and all of the people that love them in a gym in folding chairs and your precious child is short (read on the first row of the risers) it is IMPOSSIBLE to see her. But during the school performance I had a great view (easier to see over small people sitting on the floor)! Grace and Ella came out on the stage first. They stood before two little microphones and the taped music began. The girls came in singing and they were not shy...they were nice and loud! After their duet, all of the other kids came in and lined up on the risers and the girls just kept singing their little hearts out and shaking their jingle bells. I'm not sure that I could have done that at 6 years old in front of the whole school and then hundreds of grown-ups but those two did it! Whoo hoo, Gracie! The whole program was just awesome. The teachers figured out a way to give each of the 100 kids a part that they were super excited about. I don't know how they did it but it was awesome!
Then, today, Noah and Eli had their holiday programs. Unfortunately for us, they were both at the same time. Steve was out of town (poor guy!) so the grandparents all stepped in and we had at least one grown up in each classroom to celebrate Joshy (Matt and Brooke's second), Noah and Eli.
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