Saturday, December 13, 2008

Company Christmas and Salvation Army

Today we went to Steve's company's kids' Christmas party. (Wow! That's a lot of possessives!) The party is one of the reasons we love Steve's company so much. They really value families, which we appreciate, and they celebrate kids, which we love. So every year they have a party for the kids in the company. Each kid receives a present and gets to participate in games and such. As we all know, Santa is a hit or miss for kids. Some kids are big fans of running up and sitting on Santa's lap and telling him all about themselves. Some think it's a little insane to run up to some man that you don't know and sit on their laps...they think, seriously, people, is this really safe? Our kids have definitely been in both camps at various times in their lives. We have photos of the kids with Santa from every year of their lives so far on the tree. Each year someone is screaming in the photo (or at least looking pretty freaked out). However, this year all three kids RAN up to Santa when it was their turn and jumped on his lap. They loved their presents, they loved the other kids, they loved decorating cookies (see photo of Noah's cookie...mmmmmm, frosting!) and writing on the glass wall at Daddy's work, they loved the whole shebang. Yay!
After the party, we took off to go ring bells for Salvation Army with Grammy. It was so awesome to see the kids ringing their little bells and thanking people for donating money and wishing them a Merry Christmas. There was a man playing his guitar and harmonica so they danced around and sang and were so joyful. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all served with joy? Anyway, if they were all joyful, Eli was exuberant! He rang his little bell with a great deal of energy, he yelled "Merry Christmas and thank you!" to everyone who gave, he galloped around the bucket and danced with joy. What a pleasure to see this boy who once was supported by a family through Love Without Boundaries to be able to live in a home with a foster family and receive the medical care he see this boy ringing his heart out to make sure other people could have those things, too. Yay, Jesus! Right before we had to leave to take the boys home for their nap, a teenage girl and her mom (who I'd noticed watching the kids ring for awhile before they went into King's Soopers) came out with a box full of candy canes for our kiddos to encourage them to keep ringing. People are so cool. Seriously. So cool.

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