Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dora, Diego and Whose Line Is Is Anyway?

This morning Eli and Noah were watching Dora and Diego while I was getting ready. Now if you know anything about Dora and Diego, you know that they are big fans of having kids yell out stuff during the show. I heard Dora say, "Say your line..." meaning the kids were supposed to say "Give it back" to these pigs that stole their treasure. However, Eli and Noah simultaneously said, "Peace" and "They opened their treasures and presented him with gifts." (These were their "lines" in the Christmas musical.) Then Dora said (as she always does), "Louder!" (As an aside, does anyone's child really need to be told "louder"? For our amigos, volume is never a problem.) And Eli and Noah yelled, "PEACE" and "THEY OPENED THEIR TREASURES AND PRESENTED HIM WITH GIFTS!" I giggled as the pigs gave back the treasure and the boys nodded triumphantly at the TV.

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