Eli and I are going to blog together today so that you can get to know him (please bear with me if you already do!). We just got back from speech therapy and Grace and Noah are in school. Wednesday is special Eli and Mommy time. Eli is rocking speech therapy. A little more than a month ago, his super fantabulous speech therapist, Miss Theresa, thought he'd have to have another surgery to lengthen his palate because he was struggling to make "g" and "k" sounds. We prayed and prayed and he worked and worked and a few weeks ago, he started making those sounds! Whoo hoo! Right now, while I type, Eli is listing all of the people he knows and loves. It's quite an exhaustive list. In fact, just now he said that he loves "everyone" and...Gracie. And Mommy the best! Oh, and snowmen, too.
Eli was born in China with a cleft lip and palate. His lip surgery was done in China when he was around a year old. The surgeons did an absolutely amazing job. His lip is very handsome. After he was home for about 7 months he had a palate surgery to close the hole in his palate. He was so excited to be able to suck on a straw and make clicking sounds and not have everything he drank come out his nose. But most importantly, he was so anxious to have everyone understand what he had to say, because Eli has a lot to say and a lot of very important stuff to say. On days like today when it's just the two of us, he talks the entire time his siblings are away. You think I'm exaggerating (which you would have reason to think!) but I'm not. Literally the entire time, he talks. I think he's making up for the first 3 1/2 years of his life when he had a lot to share and no one could understand him. I'm happy to listen (although, I must admit, my ears are pretty tired by naptime on Eli and Mommy days!).
Today Eli wants to tell you about his palate surgery which happened in May. He says, "First I love Grammy. She goes to the hospital at the night time. I was going with Mommy. Daddy go home with Gracie and Noah. I wasn't scared at the night time. We just watched a movie at night time. Because Grammy come over to see who was in there in the hospital. And she see me. She come at the door. And then, we was watching a movie. It didn't hurt me. I tough. Now my palate is closed, I can talk and do it. Do click with my tongue. My teachers at school, I love them. And I love the Christmas tree and the snow man and our house and the dogs and the family and the friends..."
Now Eli wants to talk about China. He says, "In China, I play games. I live with Foster Mama. I play games with a lady but I don't know what games and I don't know what China lady I play games. And fly blue airplane...it was pretending to fly. And then I came back home and go in the airplane. And the family went in the airplane except the Pouliots were in a big airplane. And there was no movie and no windows...just seats. And the house has a movie we should watch and all the family...and I love sleeping in the drawer and going to the park and going back home. (I should clarify that Eli was pretending to sleep in a pillow-filled drawer in the hotel in China -- we do not make our children sleep in drawers.)"
Who Eli is..."I like to make a snowman. I like to make your hair with Noah and Gracie. I like to play with Daddy and Mommy in my room with toys. I like to do 'nastics (gymnastics) with Noah and Gracie. I like to cook with Mommy and help make baked ziti with Mommy. I love my Mommy and Daddy." Eli is a pretty easy guy to get along with. He likes to play with anyone and often by himself. He's a puzzle-doer and will do a puzzle over and over until he gets it fast and just right. He's a lego guy and loves to build airplanes and rockets out of legos. He loves beauty whether it's new paint on the wall or a mountain or doing Mommy's hair in a fancy new do (which is what he's doing right now -- I look lovely, by the way.). Eli is a very special little guy.
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