- Grace can swim the length of the pool! Now I don't have to worry about her so much in deep water! And she's learning new strokes which are very fun and challenging. YAY!
- Noah and Eli LOVE swimming, their swim teachers and the chilly pool! When Noah first started lessons at around 3, he would cry all the way to the pool in the car, throw a huge fit when we got there and, after some exhausting parenting work to get him into the pool, whimper through his classes. Now he makes sure as we're getting ready in the morning that we'll be ON TIME for swimming lessons and jumps right in the pool when it's time. Eli would NOT get in the hotel pool in China. He thought it was so scary and couldn't possibly be any fun. He really didn't like baths, either. When we got home, he wouldn't get in the hot tub...especially not in his swimsuit. Why would one need to wear clothes in a hot tub when one does not need clothes in a bath? And now, he goes under water and swims, he floats and he LOVES it (all while wearing a swimsuit)! Whoo hoo!
- Steve's job...I know I've written about it before but sometimes I have to remind myself, especially when he's travelling a lot, that I am truly thankful for him having a stable job that he loves, that feels fulfilling to him and that provides for our family so I can continue to stay home and eat bonbons all day! I do love my bonbons! :)
- We get to see Grace's buddy Jobe from school everyday at swimming lessons. Jobe is one cute little fellow. He has some special needs that have made him unable to take any classes to this point. His mom was pretty worried about how it would go for him. In the past he hasn't done real well with a lot of noise, a lot of kids around and water. But this week, we've seen Jobe get in the pool with a class full of kids, go underwater, float on his back and jump off the diving board to be caught by his teacher. WOW! In fact, today it took quite a bit of work to get Jobe to get out of the pool! :) Sometimes I watch the way God works in the lives of special needs kids and their families (ours included) and I'm just amazed. What a blessing!
What are you thankful for this week?
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