Eli and Sam on last day as a ladybug...
Grace and Jackie pose after their Little Red Hen play at school...
Noah rocks it out at his drum recital...tiny boy...BIG SOUND!
So...to catch you up...you'll notice that I don't have a picture of Noah's last day of preschool or Grace's last day of school. Well...that's because I had jury duty starting on the last day of school. The trial lasted three days so our summer vacation started a little late. Jury duty was a pretty incredible experience (even though I didn't get my cathartic cry about my baby going on to kindergarten). The people on the jury were really great people and I was glad to serve...just wish it started a few days later!
Trip to Yellowstone...AMAZING! Eli has a new topic of interest (he gets fixated on learning everything about certain topics)...he's added geothermic activity to outer space. I sure learn a lot while I research whatever it is he's wondering about! We had a great time hiking around, checking out the geysers and mud pots (my favorites!) and saw millions of bison. And my cousin's wedding was very beautiful...unfortunately Noah got a high fever that night and he and I spent the evening cuddling in the lobby of the reception place. But we made it all the way to Denver before he started throwing up (I know, I know...TMI!). In all, super trip! We'd love to take the kids to Yellowstone again when they get a little older.
Noah's drum recital...So funny! Noah went first for the recital. When they announced his name he raised his drum sticks in the air like a rock star. He was supposed to play with a cd (his song was We Will Rock You!) but when there were technical difficulties, he just went ahead and started without the cd. When the cd finally started, he couldn't change his rhythm so he was a bit off from the cd but sure was rockin' it! And his one and a half minute song ended up lasting about five minutes (including his two minute fill at the end). So funny!
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