Thursday, June 4, 2009

And now...after many techno problems...Argentina!

So...I have been trying to blog...really, I have. But for some reason for the past few weeks my computer shuts down every time I try. Weird. But it's working today so, quick, here I go...

Truly one of the most powerful experiences of God's strength being made manifest in my weakness that I've ever had! As you know, I was feeling pretty out of my league about this whole thing...speaking publicly -- not my favorite thing to do, leaving my kiddos and Steve for several days -- not so easy. And yet from the beginning we (Andi and I) just knew we needed to go. And in the end, Andi and I came up with a very long list of God-sightings. More than I can, or probably should, share here. But here are a few...
In the weeks before we left I was struggling with my role in the whole retreat. I just wasn't sure what that was to be. But I very clearly knew that I needed to pray with the women. That's all I had. Which is interesting because I'm not sure that's what people who know me well would think of as my role for a retreat. Not that I'm not a praying gal because I am but I'm also pretty loud, silly and creative and am a big fan of fun. But as we planned, those things were not my role here. Talk about being in areas of weakness...contemplative...quiet...listening... And for me probably one of the most powerful parts of the retreat was praying with the women there. God gave me words to pray for these sisters I'd never met and may not ever see again on this side of heaven. And clear words of encouragement for them, too. And they, and I, left with tears in our eyes. Amazing!
Of the 40ish women that attended the retreat, there were probably more than 20 countries represented (including the Philippines). There were several denominations represented. I can't even come close to telling you how many languages were spoken in the group. It was such a privilege to worship with God's gals from all over the world!
One of the things that I've been struggling with lately has been being myself. Being truly who I am, who God created me to be, without fear. Not easy. And, for the weekend in Argentina, I was fully, 100% me. The people I met in Argentina, Andi, Andi's parents and sister, got full-force ME. It was an amazing, freeing experience to be somewhere where there aren't any preconceived notions about who you are, no baggage from past hurts, just the ability to be wholly yourself. Wow. That's just about all I can say about
The whole weekend, I felt like God was doing big things in the women's lives (and in ours!), in their relationships (and in ours!) and in their hearts (and in ours!) and I knew 100% that I had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I can't tell you how completely freeing that is, too. I just felt like a vessel that He was pouring out. He gave me words, I said them. He told me to be quiet, I did. He had me pray with and for people, I did. And I experienced amazing little God-winks throughout the hearing that the Whitworth Choir was coming to Argentina the next week on tour (I was in that choir in college), having people seem to really like me, experiencing amazing generosity (with no guilty feelings!) and many other such things.
So many more God-sightings and I'd love to share them with you but I'll stop here. Want more? Let's go to coffee (actually, I hate coffee! How about tea?)!
As for Argentina, we saw a bit of Buenos Aires on Sunday...but not enough! I'd love to go back! And hopefully I will someday. But I don't think the point of the trip, for my soul at least, was flying off to Argentina though I have to admit I thought it was. I think the same thing could have happened in Kansas. The point was that God was saying, "Come away with me, let's spend some time together and you can meet some of my friends." And I did. And it was awesome!


Jill said...

I got God-bumps reading your post. So awesome! I love how when we give Him, even just a little, He really can move mountains. I'm so glad you got to go and experience so much. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to hear more.

Cara said...

Amazing! It is so fun to follow your journey. Thanks for sharing.