Happy St. Patty's Day! I'm such a big fan of St. Patrick. What an amazing guy...heading back to the place of his slavery to bring the good news! Seriously!
But, of course, that was not on the amigos' minds this morning as they dressed in as much green as humanly possible (I won't tell you which amigo is even wearing green underwear!). Grace's first grade class is writing a how-to paper about how to make a leprechaun trap. She had to make the actual leprechaun trap at home so there has been much leprechaun discussion at home. So this morning, Noah asked (a bit meekly I might add) from the back seat as we drove to school, "How hard do the teeny leprechauns pinch you if you don't wear green?" Poor kiddo was pretty afraid of tiny leprechauns wielding tiny pinching fingers searching for people not wearing green. I assured him that people do the pinching and he happily hopped into preschool searching for people who needed a little pinch. Huh. Wonder how preschool went today...
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