Friday, March 6, 2009

Really? Huh.

Usually, I am a fan of telling happy tales here. And this one is as well, kind of. Well...I guess it depends on your perspective. Grace came home from school a bit upset today. Seems some boys were taking the opportunity (while there was a substitute there) to make fun of China, its people and specifically her brother. Grace was heartbroken but strongly stood up for her brother and the country of his birth. And her friend told on the boys and they got in "big trouble...well, kind of big trouble...they didn't get on yellow (the discipline system) or anything." It was all I could do not to grab the school directory and call the boys' parents right up and give them a little Chinese culture lesson. But tonight when Grace and Eli prayed, Eli prayed that people would not say bad things about China and Grace thanked God that he made people different all over the world, thanked God for her "awesome littlest brother" and prayed that her friends would be able to experience China so they would know more and understand. And I learned from them. I learned that we have the opportunity to teach through our family, in love, what diversity means. That we have a calling to live out loud a celebration of God's people everywhere. I am surprised at how early those little amigos understand such things. And I'm grateful that Grace had an opportunity to be strong for her brother and his country of birth and that she was willing to be. And I'm so glad I didn't pick up that phone.

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