Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

This Thursday I am thankful for...

  • Eli starting each morning by saying, "Mommy, it's going to be a good day!" I hate to admit it but sometimes I don't think it will be...but then he says it and I believe it!

  • Steve...who might just be the best husband ever. He's a great friend, a good listener, a great provider, super fun and funny and just wonderful. I'm so blessed! Love you, Steve!

  • my cousin Julia's healthy new baby, Georgia. I can't wait to meet her!

  • my Grammy who always brings me Time magazine and the newspaper, who takes our kids whenever we need her to and enjoys spending time with them and who has more energy than anyone I know!

  • THE SUN! Today it is almost 70 degrees! Whoo hoo! You can't beat the Colorado sun! Yesterday when the boys and I walked to pick Grace up from school, Noah was in shorts and a tanktop and was perfectly comfortable....crazy!
  • for our kids varied interests and unique personalities. (photo is Noah learning drums)

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

Kim McGee said...

hmmm...I think we have your weather and you have ours! It was in the 30s here today!