Monday, February 9, 2009

Sometimes One Must Paint...

Sometimes I find myself in these places (emotionally probably...not physically) where I really need to see transformation. And when I find myself in those places you know what I do? I paint a room. (This time, by "I" I mean "we" being me and Steve.) So recently we've painted the kids' bathroom (a cheery blue) and replaced the light fixture and painted the main floor bathroom a pale green and replaced that light fixture. Unfortunately the green reminds me of a hospital (the very thing that I did not want to be reminded of). However, it's starting to grow on me. And the next project, hopefully to be started tomorrow, is to paint our bedroom. My goal is to have it finished before Valentine's day. It's not looking good for me, there, but you never know. Sometimes I get a little obsessive and do whatever's necessary to complete the project. I think this may be a sign of some deep-seated neuroses but maybe not.
Don't we all need to see transformation sometimes? Transformation gives me hope. Hope that God's work in me is not yet complete but that it will be, really will be, someday. Hope that who I am is not who I'll be in 10 years, next year, or maybe even tomorrow. Hope that the pain that the people I love feel today will be gone tomorrow. Hope that this fallen world we call our home can and will be transformed. Hope that the future is different, brighter somehow, than the present. Not that I'm all depressed about the present...I'm not. Because there is beauty right here and now. I can enjoy the frozen beauty of the winter. But I light up and dance when the tulip first pokes its brave little shoot out of the near frozen ground. I long for spring. I long for the budding I paint.

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