Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Mental Detector"

So the kids were in the back seat of the car rejoicing over their new toys from Arby's. Noah wanted to know what the other options were that they didn't get and was trying to sound out the words on the Arby's bag. Grace looked at her bag and quickly responded, "Noah, you can get a tape measurer, a magnifying glass or a mental detector." Steve and I grinned at each other and really hoped someone did get a "mental detector". We could really use one.


Lindsey said...

So, do you think the mental detector beeps lounder when it detects that some has a mind, or when they are going mental? Do I want it to beep at me?!?

Amanda said...

Here's what I'm's multi-purpose. With just a flip of a switch you can check the mental stability or the mental capacity of a person. What a great invention! Therefore, yes, I think you'd want it to beep when I have it set on capacity. And it would! :)