Friday, January 23, 2009

Belated Thankful Thursday...

Today I am thankful for...

  • Colorado...I can't imagine a better place to live.

  • Ella and Hero...although they are, at times, crazy pooches, they're ours and we love them so much. I love the companions they are for each other and for us and I REALLY love that they play together to channel all their labradoodle energy in a positive direction. I'm thankful that Hero survived, that he's healthy and that we're allowed to be his family. And I'm grateful that sometimes we allow ourselves to make stupid choices with our hearts (like, say, for example, getting another dog) while our heads say, "What are you thinking???" and they work out.

  • my friends, old and new. I'm thankful that there is an abundance of amazing people to befriend and that God brings them into our lives at just the right time. I'm thankful for reconnecting with people who I haven't seen in years and hearing their stories of God's grace in their lives. I'm thankful for friends who've been super consistent and loyal over all the years and thankful that we're allowed to walk through life together. I'm thankful for new friends who are encouraging and fun.

  • my van. Even though it has seen better days, still it gets us to preschool, to school, to doctors and therapists, to gymnastics, to violin...all in one piece.

  • our kids' teachers. Grace's first grade teacher is amazing and such a blessing to her this year. She challenges her and encourages her and allows her to discover that she is capable of more than she thought possible. Noah's preschool teachers encourage him to lead and call him to a higher standard...and he meets it. And they enjoy him! Eli's team of teachers work hard with him to help him become the four year old boy that God intended. They truly like him, which warms this mama's heart, and he feels safe with them.

What are you thankful for today?

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