Yesterday was a day in which I thought I might lose my mind. Sweet Grace was up all night Monday night with the stomach flu and Emmy had a rough night as well (8 wake-ups but who's counting?). Tuesday was a tough day for homeschooling as Emmy was crabby and testing and the boys both had difficult work to do. We managed, though. Gigi is super sweet to come down and visit and help everyday. Emmy gets excited when she comes and announces her arrival but she's still not sure she wants to play with Gigi without Mama nearby. Last night we were going to try to leave her at home with Steve, Grace and Noah while I went to pick up Eli but she was terrified and we decided it was too soon. She went with me and chatted all the way about "go Mama, Lu Xin, Eli" and smiled and giggled. I think she felt heard.
Today was much better! No more stomach flu for Gracie, Emmy slept mostly through the night and woke up happy and smiling. It seems to be working to have me sleep in her bed while she sleeps in the pack-and play right next to the bed. She seems to feel safer. She wakes up and checks for me and goes back to sleep. I feel much more human today! Emmy discovered Eli's plasma car and has been driving her car around the house. She likes to sit in a laundry basket and read to herself or color and can do that for a couple of minutes…making progress! She took a good nap today with the boys and I doing homeschool right outside her door where she could see us. Today she seems more settled and like she feels more at home.
Thanks again for your prayers, emails and notes and for joining us in our journey!
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