Sunday, January 18, 2015

Noticings and Home Happenings...

Here are some things I've noticed since we've been home...
  • Noah is amazingly persistent and patient.  While Emmy immediately took to Grace, looks for her constantly and allows Grace to carry her all over the place (and even asks her to), Noah and Eli are still working on connecting with Emmy.  Noah had a picture in his mind of what it would look like to have a little sister.  He imagined himself carrying her where she needed to go, playing with her, laughing with her, etc.  And many of those things are happening.  Noah is funny and Emmy often notices it.  Sometimes Emmy will play a bit with Noah.  But when Noah tries to pick her up or hold her hand, she often pushes him away.  He's trying so hard.  We're so proud of him.  He patiently waits for an opportunity to serve her and meet her needs (get her juice, bring her a toy, help with her shoes, etc) and dutifully does so.  It's emotional to watch as a parent of both of them.  I feel defensive for Noah and wish I could tell Emmy how great he is and make her bond with him right now.  And I tell Noah that I know they will be best buddies in time...of course they will!...and that he's doing all of the right things and he'll have to be patient.  And I feel sad for Emmy that she's nervous around boys and men in particular and wish that I could heal her little heart.  But I know that time and God will do that and I, too, must be patient and keep doing the right things.
  • Eli also had a picture in his mind of what it might look like to be a big brother.  He can't articulate what that image was but he knows that the reality is different than his dream.  He's also really trying but in his own way.  This changing your family stuff is good stuff but sometimes hard stuff too.  Everyone has to figure out their new role. 
  • We've always known that Grace is phenomenal with little kids.  She is truly gifted.  And Emmy is no exception to the rule that little guys are charmed by Grace.  She really loves her new sister and spending time with her.  Grace's challenge (and she's handling it nobly) is helping Emmy also see that her brothers are helpful and fun, too.  She has Emmy hold one of her brother's hands, too, when they walk.  She allows Emmy to sit between the boys at meals even though she really wants to sit there.  They are great kids, the big three.  We're so grateful!
  • Sleep is really helpful when parenting a three year old who is grieving and busy.  I would like to have some of that.
  • Emmy is super outgoing and also seems to love an audience.  At church today, the kids were practicing to lead in worship next week.  Emmy went right up there with them and was singing and dancing and smiling and charming everyone.  
  • Emmy likes high heels.  And making noises.  Preferably together.  (Good thing the Cinderella high heels live at Grammy and Papa Joe's house!)
  • Emmy likes helping.  She sets the table and clears it.  She sweeps.  She picks up toys and books.  She's awesome like that. 
  • Although she is still very afraid of the dogs, she is significantly less so.  She even tells Ella to sit and lay down, claps for her and gives her a treat.  She has patted both of them as well.  She still does not like it when they do anything unexpected like walk around or look at her but we're making progress.
  • I really, really, really like my family.  I love them, too, but I really, really, really like them.  Each one of them.  A lot.

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