This is my first time blogging, so here we go. Lots of things have been going on since you last heard from my mom. One of those things is that I can type faster now so it won't take me five hours to write a decent paragraph about Team P's new exciting life. But that was a bad example. Here's a better one; we are adding a new member to our family!
Her name is Lu Xin, but we have named her Emmy Jun, after my great grandmas, Emy and June, who are DA BOMB! Anyway, as you can tell, I'm super excited. We have her room all finished and it is very pink, as a three year old's room should be. My girl cousin,(FINALLY!) is very excited as well, about having a twin cousin. Yes, Abby and Emmy have the EXACT same birthday, May 12th, and they are both three. CRAZY RIGHT! Mom and Dad are very excited as well and planning to leave sometime early January.
I am in middle school now, thriving in Ronald Mc Donald Hall, with a locker three sizes too big. The person below my locker is taller than me and could probably reach my sweatshirt on my top shelf, but I think I annoy her by constantly dropping my colored pencils, or my pens of various colors, or my pencil, or, for Pete's sake, MY PENCIL BOX on her head, so I just don't ask her to. Apparently I only bomb her with writing utensils.
Noah is homeschooling with Mom and another kid that she used to tutor but now gets paid $100 a week to teach him everyday. I've been there while they are doing school, and it is a very nice learning environment, other than the fact that half of the time that I come around a corner, Taylor is standing there with a purple foam ball, ready to chuck at my head. But, of course, it's not aimed for me, it's for Noah. What they do in school seems difficult to me. Noah is excelling in Math and Spanish. I love listening to Noah do his Spanish lesson because he has to listen to this story that consists of two little kids that remind me of Hoops and Yoyo, (two cartoon characters that usually show up on cards) talk about mice in holes or weeding the garden. They have the most annoying voices that, well, sound like Hoops and Yoyo! If you have never heard of these curses on humankind, I highly suggest you do not go to the card section of Safeway and listen to a card that has a blue and a green(mouse? Creature?) on it. You will probably want to dump it in the sewer for the REAL mice to eat. (I am sorry to whoever created those characters, but you really need to make some new characters with more normal voices.)
Eli is doing great at Wheat Ridge 5-8, in an 8th grade math class and a 7th grade science class. I would tell you more, but I'm sure Eli would rather write about what's been going on with him on his own blog than me.
I will leave you for another time now!

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