Thursday, September 3, 2009


This post has been a few days in the making (in my head) because I just don't really know how to post about it. So I'm just going to write because I have a feeling that this is going to be a big thing in Eli's life and I want to document it. So here goes. In May I got an audition notice for Miss Saigon from the Arvada Center, a professional, regional theatre in our area. They needed small, 4-6 year old Asian boys to play Tam in their upcoming production. I thought about it and talked to Steve and we thought Eli wasn't ready emotionally or even developmentally for something like that. So we passed.
This summer he LOVED being Crickee in Mulan, Jr. He loved everything about the production...every rehearsal, every dance, every scene...loved it! But he's only four (five next week!) so when I signed Grace and Noah up to do Beauty and the Beast this fall, Eli was too young. He was bummed but understood and we went on our merry way.
This week I got an email from the director of Beauty and the Beast telling me that they were looking for another little boy to play Tam at the Arvada Center and advising us to jump at the chance for Eli. Still I was unsure so I prayed about it, that the door would very clearly be open or shut, and called the Arvada Center. They asked us to send in a photo of Eli. Obviously I couldn't take a new one (due to the eyebrow incident) so I sent them one from camping this summer of a very muddy, happy Eli. They called us right back and asked us to come meet with them. And when we did they decided right away they wanted him. That day they measured him for costumes and he got to see all of the props and secret backstage stuff. He loved it! So...that long story to say that Eli will be one of six kids playing Tam in Arvada Center's production of Miss Saigon. What an amazing opportunity for him! More to come about the process and schedule and such. We don't know which of the 40 shows he'll be doing but if you're interested in seeing it, let me know. Wow. Okay, I think that's it for now.


Kristi said...

I've been following your blog since your days on Journey to Me but haven't ever posted publicly. My husband and I have a daughter we adopted from Vietnam and were talking about how much we would love to go see Miss Saigon. (We live outside Boulder.) Please, please let me know when Eli will be performing so we can make sure to get tickets for one of his shows! How exciting!
You can contact me through my blog-

Lindsey said...

So glad you decided to let him participate - we can't wait to go see him in action! Yahoo Eli!