Sunday, August 30, 2009

So it begins...

This year Noah is in morning kindergarten, Grace is in 2nd grade and Eli is doing three afternoons of preschool a week. Besides a few minor gliches, they had a great first week of school. Grace is in class with two of her best buddies, Noah LOVES his teacher and the feeling seems to be mutual and Eli gets to follow in his siblings' footsteps and be in the famous DeAnn's class!
I only cried a little bit after I left my second born at his first day of kindergarten. Noah came home the first day a little sad after his first experience with "I'm not going to be your friend anymore!" from a boy in his class after Noah stepped on a spider. But the rest of the week was great for him and the friendship seems to have mended itself though I'm sure Noah will be careful around that friend and spiders from now on. Eli had a great first day especially since his buddies Sam and Owen are in his class this year. And Grace came home with a report that they had THREE RECESSES! and that she got to see Noah outside during the first one. Eli is loving having Mommy all to himself in the mornings and Noah likes having Mommy all to himself three afternoons a week. So...beginning of school success!

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