The baptism itself went awesome. He was a bit nervous and was fiddling with his fingers and forgot the first word of his verse. But he jumped right in with a little help and was very attentive to everything everyone was saying, to answering the questions he was asked and to listen to the congregation answering their questions. He smiled about the water running down his little face and soaking his collar on his shirt. And he smiled as Mimi prayed for him. And after his baptism he got to sing in a choir with the other kids from Vacation Bible School in his costume. What a very special day for a very special boy!
The most touching thing about the whole service for me (aside, of course, from watching our sweet son be baptized) was looking out into the congregation and seeing several people wiping tears away as they committed to helping raise Eli in the faith. I love being part of a small congregation, a small community, that really knows and treasures our children! (more about that later...I've been thinking a lot about the great things about being a part of a small to follow...)
Afterward Eli said "when they were watering my head it feeled like I was taking a shower. It was all wet and warm. It felt different in my heart. It felt like it was like a birthday!"
Happy "birthday", sweet boy!
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